8/10 Capstone Project - Dedication

 When working in a job there's certain task for yourself that only you can do. Nobody can't influence you and this is only something that you're capable of doing. It's to be dedicated in what you love. To define dedication it's sacrificing, loyalty and putting in time to do something that'll be rewarding itself in the end. Dedication is a term that haven't been expressed in a lot of people career path or work. This term should also be significant into the workplace of being a successful educator, i'll be going over why.

    In the educator workplace dedication is used to express the time and effort you've put into helping students with learning disabilities. Dedication is considered to be a positive term for those who're happy to help others and not give up on them. As we previously learned that it takes a lot of time and effort to teach kids to learn something new. Special Educators who're willing to gain a connection with their students and help them in the best way they can is considered to be dedicated.

     Another way that special educators can be dedicated is by being passionate in what they do and respect everyone for who they're as a person. If an educator were to approach these students as a kind and friendly person who won't judge them for their learning disadvantage then they're willing to take the time no matter the cost to help students improve them-self. Another big importance of being dedicated is to be involved with your students and engaging in various activities to increase their learning capabilities. Teachers who are constantly there for their students without walking out the class every few minutes is caring and guide these students to become more proficient in their academics. On top of their nice attitude a show of respect and sense that you care can make a big difference in seeing vast improvements or showing no signs of progressions overall.

